4-day training on climate change and adaptation related issues organized for youth of Ayrum in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP Project
22 November 2021

4-day training on climate change and adaptation related issues organized for youth of Ayrum in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP Project

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“Climate change: impact on nature and humanity, and how to prevent detrimental impacts of climate change” a 4-day training session was held on November 17-20, engaging over 20 students from high schools of 8 settlements of Ayrum community, Tavush region. The training session was organized in the frame of UNDP-GCF Armenia’s National Adaptation Plan project and Armenian UN Association Empowering Youth for Human Rights and Development project.

During the training, UNDP experts introduced young participants to global climate change trends, impacts and risks, the need and effectiveness of adaptation and mitigation measures, the current situation and forecasts in Armenia, climate change vulnerabilities, risks and necessary adaptation measures particularly in agriculture and water resources sectors. The Impact of climate change on mountainous regions landslide risks, landslide prevention measures and the role of communities in landslide monitoring and prevention processes.
