Climate change and adaptation awareness raising campaign in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project
08 November 2021

Climate change and adaptation awareness raising campaign in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project

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A series of training sessions aimed at media students and faculty members of state universities and specialized educational institutions have been launched in the frame of UNDP-GCF Armenia’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) project.

Training sessions are aimed at raising the awareness of media students and lecturers of journalism faculties on climate change and climate change adaptation, providing the necessary knowledge to find, study and report on relevant subjects in different sectors, thus contributing to awareness raising on climate change and climate change adaptation among the society and active reporting on these topics.

The first training course of the “Climate change adaptation in Armenia: journalistic perspective" series took place on November 6-7 in Gyumri, Shirak region and was aimed at media students and alumni of Shirak and Vanadzor State Universities. The event was organized in cooperation with Shirak and Vanadzor State Universities.

Over the two days, participants of the training got acquainted with the climate change trends, impacts, risks and vulnerabilities, available adaptation measures in Armenia, as well as  discussed and presented measures and practices aimed at raising public awareness on climate change issues, necessary institutional changes and adaptation measures during practical group works.

Overall 17 students and alumni participated in the training session.
