Impact of climate change on human health discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF Armenia’s National Adaptation Plan project
09 December 2019

Impact of climate change on human health discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF Armenia’s National Adaptation Plan project

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“Issues of human health in the context of climate change” working session took place on December 5 in the frame of UNDP-GCF Armenia’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) project.

During the event, UNDP experts presented field stakeholders with climate change observations, forecasts and challenges, risks and the need for adaptation in Armenia, as well as the scope of works foreseen in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project. Climate change impacts on human health were discussed afterwards. In particular, these covered the impacts and risks for human health, posed by hazardous hydro-meteorological phenomena, such as heat waves, fires, floods, as well as infectious diseases, were covered by the speakers. Issues related to adaptation in the health sector, as well as capacities of the Armenian health system to adapt to climate change were as well discussed.

Presentations were followed by a question and answer session and a thematic discussion.

Fifteen stakeholders of the health sector took part in the workshop including representatives of RA Ministry of Health, National Institute of Healthcare, National Center for Disease Control and Prevention SNCO, the Healthcare and Labor Inspectorate and Department of Health of the Yerevan Municipality.
