In the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project World Environment Day celebrated with a festive event for schoolchildren
07 June 2022

In the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project World Environment Day celebrated with a festive event for schoolchildren

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On the occasion of the World Environment Day, a festive event was organized for schoolchildren on June 6 in the frame of Armenia’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) project. The event, held at the Dzoraghbyur Green Learning Center, was aimed at raising awareness on climate change related issues among schoolchildren.

Through presented materials and online quizzes, young participants got acquainted with climate change trends, risks and impacts globally and in Armenia, as well as applicable mitigation and adaptation practices. During a study tour in the center, they were introduced to adaptation measures, practices, their advantages and peculiarities, receiving a chance to see the practical uses of adaptation measures, particularly those aimed at the sustainable development of the agriculture and water management.

The event was attended by 50 students and 5 teachers from 5 schools of Yerevan.

Festive events continued through the day. In the frame of "EU for Climate" program, tours and watching of educational videos were organized in Yerevan Botanical Garden for the young people.

