Marz adaptation plan development process and methodology based on Tavush and Shirak example presented in the frame of UNDP GCF-NAP project
24 January 2022

Marz adaptation plan development process and methodology based on Tavush and Shirak example presented in the frame of UNDP GCF-NAP project

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On January 21, a workshop on “Marz adaptation plan development process: Presentation of results and discussion” took place in the frame of Armenia’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) project. The event aimed at presenting at discussing with stakeholders results of the climate vulnerability assessment for Tavush and Shirak marzes, carried out by GEORISK research company, as well as proposed measures to reduce vulnerability and increase adaptation capacities in the regions.

In her opening speech UNDP Resident Representative in Armenia Natia Natsvlishvili noted that while mitigation of climate change and efforts towards decreasing carbon emissions are vital, ensuring resilience of infrastructure and adaptation to climate change is just as important, especially as climate change impact intensify around the globe.

In her welcoming speech, RA Deputy Minister of Environment Anna Mazmanyan stressed the importance of identifying climate change issues, vulnerabilities and relevant adaptation measures in all marzes, urging participants to actively engage in the discussion of the presented marz adaptation plan methodology as well as CRVA assessment of Tavush and Shirak marzes.

UNDP Climate Change Program Coordinator Diana Harutyunyan added that according to the RA Government Decree of May 13, 2021 No. 749-L on “Climate Change National Adaptation Action Plan and the List of Measures for 2021-2025 the selected two marz adaptation plans should become exemplary. Based on these documents as well as observations, remarks and suggestions received during the workshop, a guideline should be developed within the framework of the NAP program, which will be used to prepare marz adaptation plans for the remaining regions.  Observations, remarks and suggestions received during the workshop will also contribute to the amendment of Shirak and Tavush regional adaptation plans and their further approval by the Government.

During the event Implementation of the National Adaptation Plan in Armenia, climate change trends and forecasts, marz adaptation plan development process and methodology, climate risk and vulnerability assessments results for Shirak and Tavush regions, gender mainstreaming in vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning, as well as proposed adaptation measures for Tavush and Shirak were presented and discussed with the participants.

Over 70 stakeholders attended and participated online including representatives of Ministries of Environment, Territorial administration, and infrastructure, Emergency situations, Economy, Labor and social affairs, Health, Finance, Education, science, culture and Sports; governmental agencies; Tavush and Shirak Regional administrations; UNDP, regional and non-governmental organizations, educational institutions and international organizations.

