UNDP-GCF Project Board Meeting, 12-09-2018
12 September 2018

UNDP-GCF Project Board Meeting, 12-09-2018


Project Board Meeting of the “De-risking and Scaling-up Investment in Energy Efficient Building Retrofits” Project, funded by Green Climate fund (GCF) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Armenia under overall coordination of Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia, took place on 12 September 2018. The co-chairs of the meeting were Mr. E. Grigoryan, Minister of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia and Mr. D. Mariyasin, UNDP Resident Representative a.i. Six out of nine Project Board members, as well as Project team and International Technical Consultant attended the meeting.

Project Board updated composition and Annual Work plan for 2018 were discussed and approved.

Mr. V. Jalalyan, Project Manager presented the Project objectives, components, outcomes, activities implemented during the reporting period, current issues and timeline for planned activities. Ms. M. Olshanskaya, Project International Technical Consultant reflected the possible options of GCF funding schemes aimed at enhancing energy efficiency in public and multi-apartment buildings in Armenia, as well as highlighted the current issues and actions to overcome them. 

The participants highly appreciated the activities implemented and confirmed their support for the Project's further implementation.




Mr. V. Jalalyan,

Project overview, activities implemented during the reporting period, current issues, and timeline for planned activities

Ms. M. Olshanskaya,

Financial Incentive Schemes for Investment in Public and Residential Buildings

