Vulnerability of water resources and modernization of crop irrigation norms discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project
29 December 2020

Vulnerability of water resources and modernization of crop irrigation norms discussed in the frame of UNDP-GCF NAP project

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Preliminary results of "Detailed Methodology for Modernization of Irrigation Norms for Selected Crops of Ararat Valley", a study conducted within UNDP-GCF Armenia’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) project, were presented during the seminar held on December 28.

UNDP Climate Change Programme Coordinator Diana Harutyunyan emphasized the importance of analyzing the vulnerability of water resources in the context of climate change and implementing further actions in this regard within NAP project.

“Vulnerability of water resources is a serious challenge for both professionals engaged in the agriculture sector and those responsible for the water management, provision of water use permits, as well as for sustainable water use and risk assessment. It is important to grasp that since 2007 there have been changes, both in terms of climate change impacts, availability of new technologies and land use practices. Ararat Valley has been selected for this study, as the most important area for the agriculture sector, having the highest water resources vulnerability risk. Preliminary results of the study will be presented to your attention, after which we would appreciate your feedback on the further expansion of this approach and involvement of other areas and crops. Vulnerability of water resources is also important in the long run, particularly while defining necessary approaches, restrictions and privileges in the construction of water infrastructure and watershed management planning,” said Mrs. Harutyunyan.

Preconditions of the study, its purpose, applied methodology, the process of norm calculation, expected and obtained results were presented during the workshop. In particular, participants got acquainted with the methodology of modernization of irrigation regimes proposed in accordance with FAO Irrigation and drainage paper No. 56; FAO "Cropwat 8.0" and "AquaCrop" models for the calculation of the crop water requirements and water planning; as well as the comparison of irrigation schedule estimated within "AquaCrop" model with irrigation regimes applied in the Republic of Armenia. Further steps planned for the modernization of irrigation regimes were also discussed during the workshop.

The event hosted over 20 participants, including representatives of Ministries of Environment, Economy, as well as Territorial Administration and Infrastructure.
