Exchange of Knowledge and Experience Facilitates the Next Level of the Development of Armenia’s MRV system under “EU4Climate” Project
16 May 2022

Exchange of Knowledge and Experience Facilitates the Next Level of the Development of Armenia’s MRV system under “EU4Climate” Project

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On 11-12 May, the workshop on “Roadmap for the development of a functional National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory System” took place within “EU4Climate” project, that gathered together around 80 participants, including representatives of EaP countries’ governments, Environment Agency Austria (EAA), DG NEAR and DG CLIMA, UNDP, as well as practitioners and experts of the field.

The workshop aimed to present and discuss the outcomes of the Review/gap analysis carried out by Environment Agency Austria (EAA) on the existing greenhouse gases inventory systems in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova. The activity was implemented under the Project’s technical expertise and capacity building to  EaP countries on the introduction of robust domestic emissions monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) frameworks, in accordance with the new Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement.

Welcoming the workshop participants, Mr. Joakim Frendin from DG NEAR, called for the governments’ willingness for compliance to the regulations framework and design of concrete project pipelines to attract more investments for speeding up the green transition.

“The EU Commission remains committed to support the development and implementation of wide climate policies, including MRV systems for EaP countries within EU4Climate, together with advice and allocation of special funds and financial platforms. This process is crucial for EaP countries to meet the reporting requirements of the governments under Transparency Framework of Paris Agreement”.

Ms. Laura Altinger, the Team lead of Nature, Climate and Energy, UNDP IRH, highlighted the importance of the workshop in terms of its timeliness against the rising challenges globally and stressed the commitment of UNDP’s support through “EU4Climate” Project and in cooperation with Climate Promise and other related initiatives.

 “The MRV system is a key building block for carbon markets and establishing legal MRV systems guarantees the credible information on emissions, which is the essential basis for the emissions trading systems”, summarized Ms. Laura Altinger.

Subsequently, the representatives of EaP countries (25 participants from Armenia) presented the current states of MRV development systems locally. On behalf of Climate Policy Department of the Ministry of Environment, Mrs. Tatevik Manucharyan briefed on the updates on Armenia’s climate agenda, and, in particular, the development of the “Roadmap for the Development of a Functional National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory System for Armenia” within the “EU4Climate” project,  that will need further consultations on enhancing country’s technical expertise and capacity for the introduction of robust domestic emissions MRV framework.

Afterwards, the regulation of the MRV systems in the EU member countries and the governance of these systems, including the respective requirements for the GHG Inventory were presented by Mrs. Izabela Grundova, from DG CLIMA.

The presentation of two case studies of Croatia and Ukraine of the development of legal and institutional framework for the national GHG inventory systems, the problems encountered, and the key learnings were presented to the workshop participants.

The further group discussion focused on the acquisition of higher quality data, resolving data gaps and times series consistency, the barriers, goals and experiences in legal frameworks for the MRV systems and the needs of establishing stable expert teams.

The second-day discussion focused on sharing the best practices in Quality assurance and Quality control of GHG inventory systems shared by the experts of EAA and was summarized by provision of examples on their implementation.

The participants raised their concerns and issues for the presented topics and received further clarifications and advice on how to bring MRV systems into operation.

Workshop served productive for the exchange of respective knowledge and technical discussions on how to adopt to the best European experience in increasing the climate resilience of EaP countries, including Armenia. It was a step-forward for progressing the development of national inventory systems in line with the UNFCCC transparency requirements, building on the EU experience and in accordance of specific national circumstances.


