Experience exchange meeting on " Installation, repair and maintenance of renewable energy power plants "
05 April 2024

Experience exchange meeting on " Installation, repair and maintenance of renewable energy power plants "

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On April 5, 2024, Alaverdi State Vocational College (ASVC) hosted Tatevik Pnjoyan, the Director of Tevosyan Polytechnic College of Vanadzor named after S. Tevosyan, along with college lecturers, to exchange experiences.


Both educational institutions offer instruction in the subject " Installation, repair and maintenance of renewable energy power plants ". In Vanadzor College, this subject is already taught in the 2nd year, based on a 9-year curriculum.


At ASVC, teaching it as the main   subject will commence this academic year. However, two groups have already undergone training within a short-term program.


The short-term training program at Alaverdi State Vocational College was initiated by UNDP, with funding from the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (Sida). One of the components of the “Strengthened Community Resilience through Energy Efficiency and Low Emission Development” project, which focuses on energy efficiency, includes education part that is being successfully implemented.


During the meeting, lecturers from ASVC shared their teaching methods and experiences with their colleagues from Vanadzor.


According to Ani Varosyan, the Director of Alaverdi State Vocational College, mutual visits are important and interesting for both sides.


During the meeting, Arega Martirosyan, the representative of UNDP-Sida project, presented the main directions of the “Strengthened Community Resilience through Energy Efficiency and Low Emission Development” program, along with the work carried out under the project. “Currently, we have achieved numerous successes across various aspects. A notable success of the project is that three students from Alaverdi State Vocational College have effectively passed the  short-term program and secured employment at “EcoVille” company, specializing in solar plant installations,”  said Arega Martirosyan.


EcoVille Regional Director Hovhannes Danielyan also attended the meeting, emphasizing the importance of educational programs on behalf of the private sector and the existing need of qualified professionals in the labor market.


“The field is developing rapidly, hence the demand for specialists is growing, but the market lacks qualified specialists. For that, theoretical courses are very important,” says Khachik Sahakyan, the project expert, who also trained the lecturers of Alaverdi State Vocational College.


At the conclusion of the meeting, Khachik Sahakyan handed certificates to 6 lecturers who successfully completed the training course on "Installation, repair and maintenance of renewable energy power plants and energy efficiancy " at Alaverdi State Vocational College.
