UNDP’s Climate Promise Supporting Countries in Climate Finance Planning and Leveraging for NDC Implementation
18 December 2020

UNDP’s Climate Promise Supporting Countries in Climate Finance Planning and Leveraging for NDC Implementation

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On the 5th Anniversary of the Paris Agreement, UNDP IRH organized a “Webinar on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) Financing and Investment Strategies” on 14-15 December under the UNDP’s Climate Promise. UNDP’s Climate Promise supports 115 countries in enhancing their NDCs with the aim to achieve demonstrated increase in climate ambition. It is the world’s largest offer of support for the enhancement of countries’ climate pledges.

The Webinar targeted government representatives (ministries of planning/economy, finance and environment) as well as climate policy and climate finance practitioners in Eastern Europe and Central Asia in order to support countries with their investment planning and financing for NDC implementation. The participants also discussed alignment between the NDC planning and green recovery, green economy strategies and SDG finance frameworks.

The Facilitator of NDC Implementation in Armenia, Hayrapet Hakobyan, presented the key national and sectoral strategies that safeguard the implementation of the country’s NDC as well as stressed the paramount importance of adaptation policies and measures to achieve the national social and economic development goals given that Armenia is a land-locked country with vulnerable mountainous ecosystems. A number of in-country demonstrated practices and lessons learned in climate finance planning and mobilization were also shared with the participants. The presented programme and project-based practices have been built upon the frames of UNDP’s Climate Promise, “EU4Climate” EU-UNDP regional project and “Scaling up green finance practices in the Republic of Armenia” GCF Readiness Programme.

As a result of the webinar, the government counterparts and climate action ց have got familiarized with best practices on climate finance planning and leveraging for NDC implementation, elevating the dialogue on enhanced NDC ambition, green economy and low-carbon transition across governments.




