Video PSA Contest for Middle and High School Students
10 May 2021

Video PSA Contest for Middle and High School Students


For the occasion of World Environment Day on 5th of June 2021, UNDP Climate Change Programme and Armenia Tree Project (ATP) announce a nation-wide video PSA competition for middle (grades 5-9) and high school (grades 10-12) students on the topic of Ecosystem Restoration, which is the theme of this year’s observation of the Day. The contest is organized under the EU4Climate regional project, that is funded by EU and implemented by UNDP. The students in relevant grades will need to build their teams (maximum 7 students in a team), create and submit an informational video to raise awareness of general public about an important environmental issue and include a strong message / solution for that issue. The competition is a great opportunity for students to put their writing and video-making skills into practice, explore their artistic prowess and encourage fellow citizens to protect the environment.


  • The video must be centered around one environmental issue that exists in Armenia
  • The video must include a strong message/solution (example: Save paper, save the planet), plus hashtags #EU4Climate and #GenerationRestoration
  • Students are free to use any tools / programs / apps to create the video but it must be no longer than 60 seconds
  • Students are free to get creative and include different types of video / audio content, such as interviews, dramatizations, music, animations, special effects, etc.
  • Contest language - Armenian


Send your video to [email protected] and [email protected] with “#GenerationRestoration video” in the subject line. Include number of team members, their full names, grade, school name and contact phone number in the message.


Videos must be submitted by 13 June, 2021.


1. Originality and creativity (Is the PSA unique and creative?)

2. PSA concept (Does the PSA address the topic, is the message effective?)

3. Clarity of message (Is the idea communicated clearly?)


  • There will be two separate categories: middle school and high school teams
  • There will be a I, II and III place winner in each of the categories
  • Winners will be announced by Jury on June 17 and the award ceremony will follow (date and conditions will be announced later)


Awards (it’s a surprise!) by UNDP Climate Change Programme and ATP are awaiting for the winners.


  • All videos will be placed on a YouTube channel dedicated to the contest and the winning videos will be shared on ATP’s and UNDP Armenia’s and Climate Change Armenia’s social media pages
  • All participants will receive thematic gifts (it’s again a surprise!)

