Climate Change Information Platform

Climate Change Information Platform

Economic, social and environmental impacts of implementing the Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy
Award ceremony "Climate Change and Women in Armenia" funded the United Nations Development Programme
On 20 May, UNDP-Sida Project Board meeting of "Strengthened Community Resilience through Energy Efficiency and Low Emission Development" project was held. During the meeting, the work accomplished by the project over the past year and the upcoming tasks were discussed.
On April 30 a workshop titled “Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy: implementation prospects and opportunities” was held in the frames of UNDP “Climate Promise Armenia - From Pledge to Impact” project.
On April 5, 2024, Alaverdi State Vocational College (ASVC) hosted Tatevik Pnjoyan, the Director of Tevosyan Polytechnic College of Vanadzor named after S. Tevosyan, along with college lecturers, to exchange experiences.
On 14 February, Alaverdi State Vocational College and "EcoVill" company signed a memorandum of cooperation.
Today, the Government of Armenia approved the GHG Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions Development Strategy of the Republic of Armenia (until 2050).
The discussions focused on regulations under Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) for the recovery, recycling or destruction of ODS and HFCs and the assessment of the potential of their application.
On 30 October, the national workshop “Stop and reflect ahead of COP28: National Annual Stock-take of NDC Implementation Progress”
The purpose of the study is to identify the progress and gaps in the implementation of the measures planned in the CEPA Roadmap. Based on the assessment of the measures’ implementation progress, recommendations on Roadmap revision were made.
The report offers a comprehensive explanation of Armenian debt, including its elements, time frame, projections, and risks, especially for the primary bilateral creditors, namely France, Germany, the USA, Japan, Russia, China, and the UAE.
The overall objective of the report is to study the content and nature of the EC Directives 2003/4 and 2003/87 (Article 17) regarding environmental information, the status of the approximation of the mentioned directives, the implementation process of the necessary legal and institutional measures.
With the adoption of the Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy (until 2050), the Government of the Republic of Armenia reaffirms its ambition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 2.07 t CO2 equivalent per capita by 2050.
Developed in the frame of UNDP-GCF Armenia’s National Adaptation Plan project
Developed in the frame of Building Armenia’s National Transparency Framework under Paris Agreement (CBIT) UNDP-GEF project
The Report was commissioned by and developed with the financing of the "Strengthened Community Resilience through Energy Efficiency and Low Emission Development" UNDP/Sida Project.